Wednesday, April 2, 2008


You may notice the multiple posts this morning. Well you see the Festival starts tomorrow and I still had to talk about a few more films. I was going to give you a whole speech about how I'm not a procrastinator, but I don't feel up to it now, I'll do it later. (I hope you enjoyed that bit. That's the best I've got at 6:30 in the am). So last minute homework is my style.

ANYWAY. Take is a incredibly strong drama starring Minnie Driver. Yes, that Minnie Driver. She is great in this film. It also has a great concept that works incredibly with the film being set in one day in the present and one day in the past. The film also features Jeremy Renner who is also very good.

Fun fact; the movie has David Denman. Roy from The Office. I'm a little obsessed with The Office. It's kind of an issue how many times I've seen each episode. So for me it's really cool to see David Denman in this film.

Charles Oliver has done an incredible job of telling his story on screen. This film is the kind of drama that makes you go "Whoa. Did that movie just happen?". Yea, it just happened, so go tell someone else to see it now. This movie is that good, so just tell your friends ahead of time to come see this movie.

You'll thank me later. After all it's the polite thing to do.

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